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Projects often develop differently than expected. Otherwise you would not be with us. We are strongest in the crisis. Read with us how to identify and mitigate crises at an early stage!

German Federal Council approves on October 9, 2020 Hospital Future Act and thus enables funding of up to 85% for your project:


The Hospital Future Act passed by the Bundestag in mid-September is thus a done deal: From January 1, 2021, 4 billion euros will be made available to strengthen emergency capacities and the IT infrastructure in health care. See here which projects are funded.

Limiting aerosols through the use of decentralized mobile air purification devices as part of the prevention of COVID-19:


The German Society for Hospital Hygiene eV publishes its statement on the use of decentralized mobile air purification devices as part of the prevention of COVID-19 on its website ( here ). It clearly summarizes the current status of various research results on aerosols and their infectious effects. This is the first time that a comprehensive statement is available that gives decision-makers a good overview and an aid to argumentation when assessing their own hygiene concept. You can also see our support offer for your house in the context of the corona epidemic here .

The Hospital Future Act (KHZG) is passed in the Bundestag:


The German Bundestag resolves with the Hospital Future Act (KHZG) - co-financed by the federal states - funds of approx. 4 billion euros for strengthening the IT infrastructure and emergency capacities in german hospitals. The Federal Council will discuss this on October 8, 2020. This allows you to apply for measures with a funding rate of up to 85%. You can find out which projects are eligible for funding here in our special on funding .

The European Union's Green Deal tightens the requirements for climate neutrality by 2050:


An average hospital produces as much CO2 per year and bed as four single-family houses. In 2019, the health sector was still considered to be one of the strongest CO2 emitters - closely followed by air traffic. Anyone who still hopes that the step-by-step EU requirements for reducing CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030 will Passing his healthcare property in 1992 is now at the latest to start pondering. Simple measures are quick and not only save CO2: Take advantage of the option to lower the operating theater ventilation at night, order energy-saving filters for ventilation systems or use pumps that are operated by permanent magnets! These are just a few examples of how we can help you achieve the required energy efficiency by helping you to help yourself.

Contact us!

Federal legislative initiative (KHZG) promotes the expansion of emergency capacities:


The federal legislative initiative on the Hospital Future Act (KHZG) promotes digitalization and the expansion of emergency capacities in hospitals. But how can the need for expansion be explained to the federal funding agency? Empirical values and estimates of the corona-related increase are usually not sufficient justification for funding providers. We have an algorithm that has been coordinated with the funding authorities and that calculates the required capacities in the emergency room in a comprehensible manner. The number of patients is differentiated according to specialty, working hours and the daily distribution as well as the length of stay in the emergency room due to diagnostics or protective measures are included in the calculation. Night shifts and patients referred to the medical on-call practice are recorded separately. The calculated values are then compared with the empirical values. Use our expertise in functional planning. We support you in preparing a well-founded funding application.

Hospital Future Act (KHZG) promotes digital waiting room management up to 70%:


The current draft for the Hospital Future Act (KHZG) provides for funding of up to 70% for digital waiting room management by the federal government. The remaining 30% is shared by the hospital operator and the federal state. In the course of the funding application, the federal government anonymously collects the degree of digitization of the hospitals and is thus already preparing for the next funding program.
We would be happy to support you in applying for funding!

First Corona came to the clinics and now Legionella. What effects the hospital vacancy can have on drinking water hygiene:


Since March 2020, so-called "blanket allowances" for the COVID-related vacancy of entire clinic stations can be applied for according to §21 Paragraph 1 KHG. The result: Whole bed wards are empty in the event that COVID-19 patients have to be admitted. Technically, however, the vacancy rate has its pitfalls: If the sampling required by the Drinking Water Ordinance is carried out on a regular basis, one quickly discovers the limit value of Legionella in the hospital's drinking water. These bacterial strains can multiply rapidly in stagnant drinking water within a few days. Then the search for the infested line of drinking water starts and expensive disinfections have to be carried out. What many do not know: Drinking water suppliers have to supply unpolluted drinking water up to the meter - and this is sometimes not possible with stagnation nests in the supply line due to the oversized lines due to the decrease in vacancy and the closed canteen. So check here first! If you need support in the implementation of your hygiene measures, please contact us!

Clinics receive tools for self-analysis of the degree of digitization achieved


With "CheckIT" the Marburger Bund (MB) and the Bundesverband Gesundheits-IT (bvitg) have created an online analysis tool for clinics. The data is entered on , is anonymized and takes approximately two hours. The user receives a precise analysis of the status of the digitization of processes in their own hospital - including the ten most common potential benefits for improvement. We support you from the analysis to develop a digitization strategy for your company and when applying for funding for implementation. Contact us!

Calculation and tendering of COVID-19-related surcharges for construction services in the federal procurement handbook newly regulated:


According to the federal procurement handbook, a separate ⨠Form 217 is now being issued, which COVID-19 separately asks the contractor for additional costs for construction and investment measures. The aim is to be able to clearly separate the government's promised reimbursement of additional expenses in construction and investment projects in connection with the Corona pandemic from the contractor's usual calculation approaches. Additional expenses include, for example, changes in building schedule, fewer workers working at the same time, or additional break rooms. By decree of June 2020, the Federal Ministry of the Interior confirmed the eligibility of these additional expenses. This means that contracting authorities are not left at the expense. If you need support with the registration of funding or with the processing of corona-related supplementary claims by third parties, please contact us. We're here to help!

Bavaria starts second funding round for public charging infrastructure for electromobility:


Many wonder why the expansion of the charging infrastructure for electromobility is proceeding so slowly. The Freistatt Bayern has even increased the nationwide funding program with its own funding. This funding can now be used for the third time in publicly accessible parking spaces in front of hospitals, doctor's surgeries, laboratory or pharmaceutical buildings. If you need any use, please contact us!

One year Bertelsmann study on the closure of clinic locations - what do we think about it today?


A year ago, the Bertelsmann Foundation published the study "Sustainable Health Care" - the corona crisis has put it out of sight. The forecast changes are still necessary and are even silvered. The federal states support (partial) closures or mergers of hospital locations from the Hospital Structural Fund (KHSFV). What would be the specific impact of closing your nearest hospital? The GKV umbrella association has provided an interesting website at By the way: The Bertelsmann Foundation examined only one model region in Germany in the study ... If you need support in converting and promoting your location, please contact us!

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